this is my blog for Corse's 652 in the iSchool.

Friday, April 11, 2008

blogtastic ideas

it's like I'm always trying to plan for my last job, in internet marketing I had to, and now, at the Free Library, we are planning a new blog. At least this new one will be fun to write and will be about books and customer service rather than convincing people to spend money.

And now I'm planning for the final website for 652. Here's my ideas:
  • Walking tour of Philadelphia, especially tours that take you by lots of bookstores
  • Course materials from an old creative fiction or literature (or even College Comp.) class I taught
  • Site about Joanna Russ or Octavia Butler, my favorite authors
  • Site about one of Octavia Butler's series
  • Recipe/meal planner
  • Something about Berlin, since I used to live there and have tons of photos to use.
So, kind and gentle classmates, which kind of site are you planning? I'm trying to balance content (something easy to create) with art I'd have the rights to and also with making a site that might actually be useful. I'm favoring walking tours right now, because I recently wrote up a touristy email for my sister's friend who was visiting and it was fun and useful.


Commisioner said...

I like science fiction, so I think a website about O. Butler's series and what contributions she made to the genre is a good idea.

Johannes said...

The walking tour through Philly sounds cool in my opinion. However, if you end up doing a website about Berlin, I could probably provide you with some pictures as well, if needed.