this is my blog for Corse's 652 in the iSchool.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Good with knifes?

Last night some of us were talking about the other end of the information resource design technology spectrum: book making, and I wanted to put up some of the links we mentioned.

A community arts center in South Philadelphia, the Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial has a Book Arts I in the Spring. Holly says they fill up really fast.

And there's an organization in New York called the Center for Book Arts that has many kinds of classes in making books of all different kinds. For some reason, their site, which I've linked, is down today with a database error. I noticed that they offer one or two-day workshops for us out-of-towners in addition to multi-week courses like the Fleisher.

Does anyone know of any other organizations or schools that offer workshops or classes in book making and book arts that might be accessible to Philadelphians? (The University of the Arts, where I taught for one semester, has a graduate program in Book Arts/Printing. I'm not sure you can get into the courses if you're not an MFA student, though.)

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