this is my blog for Corse's 652 in the iSchool.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

finished my about

I finished my about page, which will eventually go in my walking tours page. On it I listed some of the cemeteries I've enjoyed visiting and walking around in. One of them, the Woodlands, is going to be on one of my walking tours. I hadn't planned on including a route around the cemetery on the tour, but maybe I will.


Nancy K said...

I've always found walking in a cemetary very restful and interesting. You could use it as a side tour, and have another page.

Diwata (aka Mrs. Stolberg on some posts-Sorry it's my post-marriage pseudonym) said...

Walking tours are interesting, you could really have fun with podcasting. I wonder how you'd deal with the timing issue--if some people walk fast, and some slow.